Encoding Medical Ontologies With Holographic Reduced Representations for Transformers

Published: 29 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 03 Jul 2024KiL 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Deep Learning, Ontology, Knowledge-Integration
Abstract: Transformer models trained on NLP tasks with medical codes often have randomly initialized embeddings that are then adjusted based on training data. For terms appearing infrequently in the dataset, there is little opportunity to improve these representations and learn semantic similarity with other concepts. Medical ontologies represent many biomedical concepts and define a relationship structure between these concepts, making ontologies a valuable source of domain-specific information. Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) are capable of encoding ontological structure by composing atomic vectors to create structured higher-level concept vectors. We developed an embedding layer that generates concept vectors for clinical diagnostic codes by applying HRR operations that compose atomic vectors based on the SNOMED CT ontology. This approach allows for learning the atomic vectors while maintaining structure in the concept vectors. We trained a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from the Transformers (BERT) model to process sequences of clinical diagnostic codes and used the resulting HRR concept vectors as the embedding matrix for the model. The HRR-based approach modestly improved performance on the masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training task (particularly for rare codes) as well as the fine-tuning tasks of mortality and disease prediction (particularly for patients with many rare codes). This is the first time HRRs have been used to produce structured embeddings for transformer models and we find that this approach maintains semantic similarity between medically related concept vectors and allows better representations to be learned for rare codes in the dataset.
Submission Number: 13