Near-optimal Distributional Reinforcement Learning towards Risk-sensitive ControlDownload PDF

16 May 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: distributional reinforcement learning, risk-sensitive, sample complexity
Abstract: We consider finite episodic Markov decision processes aiming at the entropic risk measure (ERM) of return for risk-sensitive control. We identify two properties of the ERM that enable risk-sensitive distributional dynamic programming. We propose two novel distributional reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms, including a model-free one and a model-based one, that implement optimism through two different schemes. We prove that both of them attain $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{\exp(|\beta| H)-1}{|\beta|H}H\sqrt{HS^2AT})$ regret upper bound, where $S$ is the number of states, $A$ the number of states, $H$ the time horizon and $T$ the number of total time steps. It matches RSVI2 proposed in \cite{fei2021exponential} with a much simpler regret analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first regret analysis of DRL, which theoretically verifies the efficacy of DRL for risk-sensitive control. Finally, we improve the existing lower bound by proving a tighter bound of $\Omega(\frac{\exp(\beta H/6)-1}{\beta H}H\sqrt{SAT})$ for $\beta>0$ case, which recovers the tight lower bound $\Omega(H\sqrt{SAT})$ in the risk-neutral setting.
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