Towards Foundation Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Published: 28 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 21 Dec 2023NeurIPS 2023 GLFrontiers Workshop PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: graph neural networks, foundation model, knowledge graph, link prediction, knowledge graph reasoning
TL;DR: An approach for building foundation models for KG reasoning: pre-train on one (or several) graphs, run zero-shot inference and fine-tuning on any multi-relational graph. Outperforms in the 0-shot mode many supervised SOTA models.
Abstract: Foundation models in language and vision have the ability to run inference on any textual and visual inputs thanks to the transferable representations such as a vocabulary of tokens in language. Knowledge graphs (KGs) have different entity and relation vocabularies that generally do not overlap. The key challenge of designing foundation models on KGs is to learn such transferable representations that enable inference on any graph with arbitrary entity and relation vocabularies. In this work, we make a step towards such foundation models and present ULTRA, an approach for learning universal and transferable graph representations. ULTRA builds relational representations as a function conditioned on their interactions. Such a conditioning strategy allows a pre-trained ULTRA model to inductively generalize to any unseen KG with any relation vocabulary and to be fine-tuned on any graph. Conducting link prediction experiments on 57 different KGs, we find that the zero-shot inductive inference performance of a single pre-trained ULTRA model on unseen graphs of various sizes is often on par or better than strong baselines trained on specific graphs. Fine-tuning further boosts the performance.
Submission Number: 26