Training a Turn-level User Engagingness Predictor for Dialogues with Weak SupervisionDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: The standard approach to evaluating dialogue engagingness is by measuring conversation turns per session (CTPS), which implies that the dialogue length is the main predictor of the user engagement with a dialogue system. The main limitation of CTPS is that it can be measured only at the session level, i.e., once the dialogue is already over. However, it is crucial for a dialogue system to continuously monitor user engagement throughout the dialogue session as well. Existing approaches to measuring turn-level engagingness require human annotations for training and lack interpretability of their scores. We pioneer an alternative approach, Remaining Depth as Engagingness Predictor (RDEP), which uses the remaining depth (RD) for each turn as the heuristic weak label for engagingness. RDEP does not require human annotations and also relates closely to CTPS, thus serving as a good learning proxy for this metric. In our experiments, we show that RDEP achieves the new state-of-the-art results on the fine-grained evaluation of dialog (FED) dataset (0.38 Spearman) and the Daily-Dialog dataset (0.62 Spearman).
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