Go with the Flow: the distribution of information processing in multi-path networksDownload PDF

Published: 28 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023ICLR 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Deep Learning, Multi-path Networks, Similarity of Representations, Regression Probe, Centered Kernel Alignment
Abstract: The architectures of convolution neural networks (CNN) have a great impact on the predictive performance and efficiency of the model. Yet, the development of these architectures is still driven by trial and error, making the design of novel models a costly endeavor. To move towards a more guided process, the impact of design decisions on information processing must be understood better. This work contributes by analyzing the processing of the information in neural architectures with parallel pathways. Using logistic regression probes and similarity indices, we characterize the role of different pathways in the network during the inference process. In detail, we find that similar sized pathways advance the solution quality at a similar pace, with high redundancy. On the other hand, shorter pathways dominate longer ones by majorly transporting (and improving) the main signal, while longer pathways do not advance the solution quality directly. Additionally, we explore the situation in which networks start to ``skip'' layers and how the skipping of layers is expressed.
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