Harnessing Social Media Analysis to Enhance Water Management EfficiencyDownload PDF


11 Jun 2023 (modified: 01 Sept 2023)IJCAI 2023 Workshop BridgeAICCHE Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Access to clean potable water is a fundamental re- quirement for human well-being. However, numer- ous challenges arise in water delivery and manage- ment, particularly in the context of global climate change. The increasing severity of droughts, social inequalities, and infrastructure constraints necessi- tates a concerted effort towards water management. Despite the rise of Social Media as a platform for societal engagement across various topics, the in- clusion of water concerns in this discourse remains remarkably underutilized, undeveloped, and under- analyzed. This paper aims to highlight the untapped oppor- tunities offered by social media as a valuable tool for water management. We emphasize the potential of social media to serve as a versatile medium for collecting and disseminating information regarding water-related issues. By leveraging advanced AI and Machine Learning techniques, we conduct tex- tual analysis on a comprehensive dataset of water utility tweets in the United States, extracting perti- nent and meaningful insights. These insights serve as a starting point for further advancements in wa- ter management.
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