Who’s Gaming the System? A Causally-Motivated Approach for Detecting Strategic Adaptation

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 20 Dec 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: causal inference, strategic classification, gaming, healthcare
TL;DR: We propose a causal effect estimation framework for detecting which agents are exploiting a payout model.
Abstract: In many settings, machine learning models may be used to inform decisions that impact individuals or entities who interact with the model. Such entities, or *agents,* may *game* model decisions by manipulating their inputs to the model to obtain better outcomes and maximize some utility. We consider a multi-agent setting where the goal is to identify the “worst offenders:” agents that are gaming most aggressively. However, identifying such agents is difficult without knowledge of their utility function. Thus, we introduce a framework in which each agent’s tendency to game is parameterized via a scalar. We show that this gaming parameter is only partially identifiable. By recasting the problem as a causal effect estimation problem where different agents represent different “treatments,” we prove that a ranking of all agents by their gaming parameters is identifiable. We present empirical results in a synthetic data study validating the usage of causal effect estimation for gaming detection and show in a case study of diagnosis coding behavior in the U.S. that our approach highlights features associated with gaming.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Machine learning for healthcare
Submission Number: 13561