Language model with Plug-in Knowldge MemoryDownload PDF

22 Sept 2022 (modified: 13 Feb 2023)ICLR 2023 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: pre-training, language model, memory
TL;DR: we propose a pre-training framework to decouple the knowledge storage from PLM
Abstract: Large-scale pre-trained language models(PLM) have made impressive results in a wide range of NLP tasks and it has been revealed that one of the key factors to their success is the parameters of these models implicitly learn various types of knowledge in the pre-training corpus. However, encoding knowledge implicitly in the model parameters has two fundamental drawbacks. First, the knowledge is neither editable nor scalable once the model is trained, which is especially problematic in that knowledge is consistently evolving. Second, it lacks interpretability and prevents us from understanding what kind of knowledge PLM needs to solve certain task. In this paper, we introduce PlugLM, a pre-training model with differentiable plug-in memory(DPM). The key intuition behind is to decouple the knowledge storage from model parameters with an editable and scalable key-value memory and leverage knowledge in an explainable manner by knowledge retrieval in the DPM. We conduct extensive experiments under various settings to justify this design choice. In domain adaptation setting, PlugLM could be easily adapted to different domains with plugable in-domain memory---obtaining 3.95 F1 improvements across four domains, without any in-domain training. PlugLM could also keep absorbing new knowledge after pre-training is done by knowledge updating operation in the DPM without re-training. Finally, we show that by incorporating training samples into DPM with knowledge prompting, PlugLM could further be improved by the instruction of in-task knowledge.
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