ART: rule bAsed futuRe-inference deducTion

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Speech and Multimodality
Submission Track 2: Commonsense Reasoning
Keywords: cross-modal, deductive reasoning, deep learning
Abstract: Deductive reasoning is a crucial cognitive ability of humanity, allowing us to derive valid conclusions from premises and observations. However, existing works mainly focus on language-based premises and generally neglect deductive reasoning from visual observations. In this work, we introduce rule bAsed futuRe-inference deducTion (ART), which aims at deducing the correct future event based on the visual phenomenon (a video) and the rule-based premises, along with an explanation of the reasoning process. To advance this field, we construct a large-scale densely annotated dataset (Video-ART), where the premises, future event candidates, the reasoning process explanation, and auxiliary commonsense knowledge (e.g., actions and appearance) are annotated by annotators. Upon Video-ART, we develop a strong baseline named ARTNet. In essence, guided by commonsense knowledge, ARTNet learns to identify the target video character and perceives its visual clues related to the future event. Then, ARTNet rigorously applies the given premises to conduct reasoning from the identified information to future events, through a non-parametric rule reasoning network and a reasoning-path review module. Empirical studies validate the rationality of ARTNet in deductive reasoning upon visual observations and the effectiveness over existing works.
Submission Number: 2772