Siamese vs Non-Siamese: Dual Encoders for Intent DetectionDownload PDF


16 Jul 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 July Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Bi-encoders have been shown to be effective for intent classification. Current Bi-encoders use the same weights to learn the embedding of both the contexts and candidates. However, this can be counter-productive when there exist contexts with overlapping keywords from competing candidate labels. This could lead to unrelated context and candidate having similar embeddings and being mis-classified. In this work, we investigate the potential of non-siamese Bi-encoders for intent detection, where separate weights are learned for context and candidate. Our results show that non-siamese Bi-encoders improve the performance of traditional Bi-encoders across datasets. We also show that using heterogeneous architectures in a non-siamese Bi-encoder can effectively reduce memory and computation requirement while maintaining prediction performance.
Paper Type: short
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