Representation Learning in Continuous-Time Score-Based Generative ModelsDownload PDF

Published: 15 Jun 2021, Last Modified: 05 May 2023INNF+ 2021 posterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: representation learning, score-based, diffusion models, generative modeling
Abstract: Score-based methods represented as stochastic differential equations on a continuous time domain have recently proven successful as a non-adversarial generative model. Training such models relies on denoising score matching, which can be seen as multi-scale denoising autoencoders. Here, we augment the denoising score-matching framework to enable representation learning without any supervised signal. GANs and VAEs learn representations by directly transforming latent codes to data samples. In contrast, score-based representation learning relies on a new formulation of the denoising score-matching objective and thus encodes information needed for denoising. We show how this difference allows for manual control of the level of detail encoded in the representation.
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