Keywords: dynamic, non-line-of-sight imaging, spatial-temporal Mamba
TL;DR: We propose a novel spatial-temporal Mamba based approach for dynamic NLOS reconstruction, as well as a new dataset for training and testing.
Abstract: Dynamic reconstruction in confocal non-line-of-sight imaging encounters great challenges since the dense raster-scanning manner limits the practical frame rate. A fewer pioneer works reconstruct high-resolution volumes from the under-scanning transient measurements but overlook temporal consistency among transient frames. To fully exploit multi-frame information, we propose the first spatial-temporal Mamba (ST-Mamba) based method tailored for dynamic reconstruction of transient videos. Our method capitalizes on neighbouring transient frames to aggregate the target 3D hidden volume. Specifically, the interleaved features extracted from the input transient frames are fed to the proposed ST-Mamba blocks, which leverage the time-resolving causality in transient measurement. The cross ST-Mamba blocks are then devised to integrate the adjacent transient features. The target high-resolution transient frame is subsequently recovered by the transient spreading module. After transient fusion and recovery, a physical-based network is employed to reconstruct the hidden volume. To tackle the substantial noise inherent in transient videos, we propose a wave-based loss function to impose constraints within the phasor field. Besides, we introduce a new dataset, comprising synthetic videos for training and real-world videos for evaluation. Extensive experiments showcase the superior performance of our method on both synthetic data and real world data captured by different imaging setups. The code and data are available at
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Machine learning for physical sciences (for example: climate, physics)
Submission Number: 4624