Keywords: Lie group equivariance, motion planning, goal-directed navigation, ring attractor network
TL;DR: A neural circuit model of motion planning and its formulation as a Lie group operator search problem.
Abstract: The information processing in the brain and embodied agents form a sensory-action loop to interact with the world. An important step in the loop is motion planning which selects motor actions based on the current world state and task need. In goal-directed navigation, the brain chooses and generates motor actions to bring the current state into the goal state. It is unclear about the neural circuit mechanism of motor action selection, nor its underlying theory. The present study formulates the motion planning as a Lie group operator search problem, and uses the 1D rotation group as an example to provide insight into general operator search in neural circuits. We found the abstract group operator search can be implemented by a two-layer feedforward circuit utilizing circuit motifs of connection phase shift, nonlinear activation function, and pooling, similar to Drosophila's goal-directed navigation neural circuits. And the computational complexity of the feedforward circuit can be even lower than common signal processing algorithms in certain conditions. We also provide geometric interpretations of circuit computation in the group representation space. The feedforward motion planning circuit is further combined with sensory and motor circuit modules into a full circuit of the sensory-action loop implementing goal-directed navigation. Our work for the first time links the abstract operator search with biological neural circuits.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Neuroscience and cognitive science (neural coding, brain-computer interfaces)
Submission Number: 8358