Towards Understanding the Role of Humans in Collaborative Tasks

Published: 27 Feb 2024, Last Modified: 09 Mar 2024VAM-HRI 2024 OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: human-robot interaction, collaborative robots, interaction design, human-assisted, system-assisted, search-and-rescue, virtual environments, communication modalities, user study
Abstract: This paper explores the dynamics of human-robot collaboration through a comparative study of human-assisted and system-assisted approaches in a search and rescue application. Leveraging virtual environments and mixed-reality interfaces, the study evaluates task performance, workload, usability, and subjective experiences of participants. Results indicate that the system-assisted approach significantly improves task completion time and accuracy in identifying critical elements, and reduces perceived workload compared to human-assisted methods. Subjective assessments reveal valuable insights into user preferences and challenges, informing recommendations for system refinement and protocol development. Findings highlight the potential of human collaboration in enhancing operational effectiveness and promoting seamless collaboration between humans and robots in cluttered and high-risk environments. Interactions aimed at synchronizing goals, task states, and actions can be facilitated through virtual, augmented, and mixed-reality environments providing an intuitive platform for understanding interaction dynamics.
Submission Number: 9