Models can use keywords to answer questions that human cannotDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Recent studies raised that reading comprehension (RC) models learn to exploit biases and annotation artifacts in current Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) datasets to achieve impressive performance. This hinders the community from measuring sophisticated understanding of RC systems. MRC questions whose answers can be rightly predicted without understanding their contexts are defined as biased ones. Previous researches aimed to split unintended biases and determine their influence have some limitations. Some methods using partial test data to extract biases lack holistic consideration with question-context-option tuple. Others relied on artificial statistical features are limited by question types. In this paper, we employ two simple heuristics to identify biased questions in current MRC datasets through human-annotated keywords. We implement three neural networks on the biased data and find that they have outstanding abilities to capture the biases, and further study the superficial features of the biased data exploited by models as shortcuts in views of lexical choice and paragraphs. Experiments show that (i) models can answer some questions merely using several keywords which are unanswerable or difficulty for human. (ii) lexical choice preference in options creates biases utilized by models. (iii) fewer paragraphs are more likely to introduce biases in MRC datasets.
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