Locally Differentially Private Decentralized Stochastic Bilevel Optimization with Guaranteed Convergence Accuracy

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Decentralized bilevel optimization based machine learning techniques are achieving remarkable success in a wide variety of domains. However, the intensive exchange of information (involving nested-loops of consensus or communication iterations) in existing decentralized bilevel optimization algorithms leads to a great challenge to ensure rigorous differential privacy, which, however, is necessary to bring the benefits of machine learning to domains where involved data are sensitive. By proposing a new decentralized stochastic bilevel-optimization algorithm which avoids nested-loops of information-exchange iterations, we achieve, for the first time, both differential privacy and accurate convergence in decentralized bilevel optimization. This is significant since even for single-level decentralized optimization and learning, existing differential-privacy solutions have to sacrifice convergence accuracy for privacy. Besides characterizing the convergence rate under nonconvex/convex/strongly convex conditions, we also rigorously quantify the price of differential privacy in the convergence rate. Experimental results on machine learning models confirm the efficacy of our algorithm.
Submission Number: 2361