Published: 03 May 2019, Last Modified: 05 May 2023DeepGenStruct 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: variational autoencoder, image transfer, multi-class, dual space
TL;DR: a new framework using dual space for generating images corresponding to multiclass labels when the number of class is large
Abstract: This paper proposes a dual variational autoencoder (DualVAE), a framework for generating images corresponding to multiclass labels. Recent research on conditional generative models, such as the Conditional VAE, exhibit image transfer by changing labels. However, when the dimension of multiclass labels is large, these models cannot change images corresponding to labels, because learning multiple distributions of the corresponding class is necessary to transfer an image. This leads to the lack of training data. Therefore, instead of conditioning with labels, we condition with latent vectors that include label information. DualVAE divides one distribution of the latent space by linear decision boundaries using labels. Consequently, DualVAE can easily transfer an image by moving a latent vector toward a decision boundary and is robust to the missing values of multiclass labels. To evaluate our proposed method, we introduce a conditional inception score (CIS) for measuring how much an image changes to the target class. We evaluate the images transferred by DualVAE using the CIS in CelebA datasets and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in a multiclass setting.
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