Virtual histological staining of tissue from a single label-free autofluorescence image using deep learningDownload PDF

12 Apr 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)MIDL Abstract 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Deep learning, Histology, Digital pathology
TL;DR: We demonstrate virtual staining of unlabeled tissues using single autofluorescent images.
Abstract: Histochemical staining of tissue samples is required for the diagnosis of many diseases, including cancer; however, the staining process is often time consuming, slow, costly, and does not support tissue preservation for advanced molecular analysis of the sample. Recently, we presented a deep learning framework that can perform virtual histochemical staining, in silico, of unlabeled tissue sections using a single autofluorescence image, emanating from the tissues endogenous fluorophores. We validated the success of this technique through a direct comparison between the virtually and histochemically stainedslides, as well as by a blind study performed by a panel of board-certified pathologists.
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