skpro: A domain-agnostic modelling framework for probabilistic supervised learningDownload PDF

29 Oct 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)NIPS 2018 Workshop MLOSS Paper11 DecisionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: Presents skpro, a Python framework for domain-agnostic probabilistic supervised learning
Abstract: We present skpro, a Python framework for domain-agnostic probabilistic supervised learning. It features a scikit-learn-like general API that supports the implementation and fair comparison of both Bayesian and frequentist prediction strategies that produce conditional predictive distributions for each individual test data point. The skpro interface also supports strategy optimization through hyper-paramter tuning, model composition, ensemble methods like bagging, and workflow automation. The package and documentation are released under the BSD-3 open source license and available at
Decision: accept
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