Reproducibility report for ML Reproducibility Challenge 2022Download PDF


05 Feb 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ML Reproducibility Challenge 2021 Fall Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Reproducibility, GNN, Robustness, Counterfactuality, Fidelity, Pandas, AI, UvA
TL;DR: Some findings of original paper were reproducible, but not everything was able to be confirmed.
Abstract: The goal of this replication study is to find out to what extend the results of the paper "Robust Counterfactual Explanations on Graph Neural Networks" [1] are reproducable. We investigate this matter by evaluating the following claims: • Using the trained RCExplainer and baseline RCExplainer-NoLDB, does it deliver the same performance on fidelity as stated in the paper? • Using the trained RCExplainer and baseline RCExplainer-NoLDB, does it deliver the same performance on robustness as stated in the paper? In order to reproduce the results as stated in the original paper of Bajaj et al. [2021], we used the originally provided source code. However, contrary to our expectations, the provided source code on its own was not enough to redo the experiments. Therefore, the main approach of this reproducibility paper was to adjust the provided source code in order to execute some of the the conducted experiments. The source code and our adjustments are written in Python and used the PyTorch library. The first claim in the scope of reproducibility was not accepted in terms of this paper. The RCExplainer was close to the results found by manual training but outside of the range provided by the standard deviation of manual training. The performance of the RCExp-NoLDB model showed a major difference from the results reported in the paper. The robustness results were hard to compare due to lack of actual numbers, but qualitative analysis found it to be reproducible, as values lied within margin of the standard deviation of manually trained models.
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Paper Venue: NeurIPS 2021
Supplementary Material: zip
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