Refinements on the Complementary PDB Construction MechanismDownload PDF


21 Jul 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)Submitted to HSDIP 2020Readers: Everyone
Keywords: classical planning, heuristic search, pattern database
TL;DR: We present refinements on the Complementary PDB construction mechanism that improves the performance of the CPC1 planner.
Abstract: Pattern database (PDB) is one of the most popular automated heuristic generation techniques. A PDB maps states in a planning task to abstract states by considering a subset of variables and stores their optimal costs to the abstract goal in a look up table. As the result of the progress made on symbolic search over recent years, symbolic-PDB-based planners achieved impressive results in the International Planning Competition (IPC) 2018. Among them, Complementary 1 (CPC1) tied as the second best planners and the best nonportfolio planners in the cost optimal track, only 2 tasks behind the winner. It uses a combination of different pattern generation algorithms to construct PDBs that are complementary to existing ones. As shown in the post contest experiments, there is room for improvement. In this paper, we would like to present our work on refining the PDB construction mechanism of CPC1. By testing on IPC 2018 benchmarks, the results show that a significant improvement is made on our modified planner over the original version.
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