Debiasing Pretrained Text Encoders by Paying Attention to Paying AttentionDownload PDF


16 Feb 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 February Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Recent studies in fair Representation Learning have observed a strong inclination for Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to exhibit discriminatory stereotypes across gender, religion, race and many such social constructs. In comparison to the progress made in reducing bias from static word embeddings, fairness in sentence-level text encoders received little consideration despite their wider applicability in contemporary NLP tasks. In this paper, we propose a debiasing method for pre-trained text encoders that both reduces social stereotypes, and inflicts next to no semantic damage. Unlike previous studies that directly manipulate the embeddings, we suggest to dive deeper into the operation of these encoders, and pay more attention to the way they pay attention to different social groups. We find that most stereotypes are also encoded in the attention layer. Then, we work on model debiasing by redistributing the attention scores of a text encoder such that it forgets any preference to historically advantaged groups, and attends to all social classes with the same intensity. Our experiments confirm that we successfully reduce bias with little damage to semantic representation.
Paper Type: long
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