Diverse Counterfactual Explanations for Anomaly Detection in Time Series

TMLR Paper457 Authors

23 Sept 2022 (modified: 26 Apr 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Data-driven algorithms for detecting anomalies in times series data are ubiquitous, but generally unable to provide helpful explanations for the predictions they make. In this work we propose a post-hoc explainability method that is applicable to any differentiable anomaly detection algorithm for time series. Our method provides explanations in the form of a set of diverse counterfactual examples, i.e., multiple perturbed versions of the original time series that are similar to the latter but not considered anomalous by the detection algorithm. Those examples are informative on the important features of the time series and the magnitude of changes that can be made to render it non-anomalous for the explained algorithm. We call our method counterfactual ensemble explanation, and test it on two deep-learning-based anomaly detection models. We apply the latter to univariate and multivariate real-world data sets and assess the quality of our explanations under several explainability criteria such as Validity, Plausibility, Closeness and Diversity. We show that our algorithm can produce valuable explanations; moreover, we propose a novel visualization of our explanations that can convey a richer interpretation of a detection algorithm’s internal mechanism than existing post-hoc explainability methods. Additionally, we design a sparse variant of our method to improve the interpretability of our explanation for high-dimensional time series anomalies. In this setting, our explanation is localized on only a few dimensions and can therefore be communicated more efficiently to the model’s user.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Fuxin_Li1
Submission Number: 457