Learning Parametric Constraints in High Dimensions from DemonstrationsDownload PDF

Glen Chou, Dmitry Berenson, Necmiye Ozay

28 May 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)RSS 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: learning from demonstration, safe learning, inverse optimal control
TL;DR: We can learn high-dimensional constraints from demonstrations by sampling unsafe trajectories and leveraging a known constraint parameterization.
Abstract: We extend the learning from demonstration paradigm by providing a method for learning unknown constraints shared across tasks, using demonstrations of the tasks, their cost functions, and knowledge of the system dynamics and control constraints. Given safe demonstrations, our method uses hit-and-run sampling to obtain lower cost, and thus unsafe, trajectories. Both safe and unsafe trajectories are used to obtain a consistent representation of the unsafe set via solving a mixed integer program. Additionally, by leveraging a known parameterization of the constraint, we modify our method to learn parametric constraints in high dimensions. We show that our method can learn a six-dimensional pose constraint for a 7-DOF robot arm.
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