Grouped Gaussian Processes for Solar ForecastingDownload PDF

01 Dec 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)NIPS 2018 Workshop Spatiotemporal Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We propose a Gaussian process regression network model where latent functions are arbitrarily coupled a priori. Driven by the problem of developing forecast methods for distributed solar and other renewable power generation, we propose coupled priors that exploit spatial dependencies in a scalable structure. We estimate short term forecast models for solar power at multiple distributed sites and ground wind speed at proximate weather stations. Our approach maintains or improves point-forecast accuracy relative to competing benchmarks. At the same time our approach significantly reduces forecast variance.
TL;DR: We develop scalable multi-task Gaussian Process models with coupled priors that exploit spatial dependence for distributed solar forecasting.
Keywords: Gaussian processes, multi-task learning, nonparametric Bayesian methods, scalable inference
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