Keywords: Concave utility reinforcement learning, non-stationary MDPs, learning with expert advice, online learning
Abstract: We explore online learning in episodic loop-free Markov decision processes on non-stationary environments (changing losses and probability transitions). Our focus is on the Concave Utility Reinforcement Learning problem (CURL), an extension of classical RL for handling convex performance criteria in state-action distributions induced by agent policies. While various machine learning problems can be written as CURL, its non-linearity invalidates traditional Bellman equations. Despite recent solutions to classical CURL, none address non-stationary MDPs. This paper introduces MetaCURL, the first CURL algorithm for non-stationary MDPs. It employs a meta-algorithm running multiple black-box algorithms instances over different intervals, aggregating outputs via a sleeping expert framework. The key hurdle is partial information due to MDP uncertainty. Under partial information on the probability transitions (uncertainty and non-stationarity coming only from external noise, independent of agent state-action pairs), we achieve optimal dynamic regret without prior knowledge of MDP changes. Unlike approaches for RL, MetaCURL handles full adversarial losses, not just stochastic ones. We believe our approach for managing non-stationarity with experts can be of interest to the RL community.
Primary Area: Online learning
Submission Number: 3835