Building a Knowledge Graph of Licensed Educational Resources with ReificationDownload PDF

23 Mar 2023 (modified: 24 Mar 2023)ESWC 2023 Workshop KGCW Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Knowledge graph, educationial resources, licenses, compatibility of licenses, RDF reification
TL;DR: Description of the building process of a KG, containing experiments about types of RDF reification on Virtuoso and Jena triplestores, and discussion about license compatiblity, all in the context of educational resources.
Abstract: This paper presents the ongoing construction of a knowledge graph (KG) of educational resources (ER) where RDF reification is essential. ERs can be described by their title, creator, license, etc., as well as the main subjects they cover. Some subjects are the main focus of the ER, while others are only briefly discussed. To take into account this relevance, we propose to use RDF reification. However, there is no established standard for reification, and various reification models exist, each with its own syntax and performance implications in terms of storage and query processing. The challenge we face is determining which reification model is best suited to our KG.
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