A Multi-criteria Quality Assessment of Automated Alternative Segmentations for Radiation Therapy of Brain Tumor PatientsDownload PDF

08 Dec 2021 (modified: 16 May 2023)Submitted to MIDL 2022Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Radiotherapy Quality Assurance, Alternative Segmentations, Clinical Evaluation.
TL;DR: This paper describes a Quality-Assurance workflow using Stochastic Segmentation Network (SSN) and Gaussian Process Sampling Segmentation of Images (GPSSI) to perform a multi-criteria assessment of segmentations pertaining to Glioblastoma.
Abstract: Medical image segmentation is a crucial part of the radiotherapy (RT) planning workflow for treating brain tumor patients. Consequently, radiotherapy quality assurance (RTQA) of expert-segmentations is performed in clinical routine, especially in clinical trials. However, RTQA is time-consuming and error-prone. Towards automating this, we hypothesize that models that can generate a distribution of segmentations to simulate the variability in expert-segmentation, can be used as a proxy to evaluate the compliance and quality of new segmentations. In this paper, we evaluate a deep learning (Stochastic Segmentation Networks), and a non-deep learning approach (Gaussian Process Sampling Segmentation of Images) to generate this distribution of ‘alternative segmentations’. We assess the quality of these alternative segmentations using three complementary criteria: (i) a Turing-Test like review comparing expert-segmentations with computer-generated alternatives, (ii) geometric compliance using Dice similarity coefficient, and a (iii) dosimetric compliance evaluation using dose-volume histogram curves. On an evaluation data set consisting of 40 RT plans, our results indicate that these methods yield plausible alternative segmentations which could be used to build a deep learning-based RTQA platform. Our results further indicate that geometric compliance needs to be complemented with dosimetry to fully characterize the impact of segmentation deviations for target coverage and organs at risk toxicity.
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Paper Type: validation/application paper
Primary Subject Area: Application: Other
Secondary Subject Area: Validation Study
Confidentiality And Author Instructions: I read the call for papers and author instructions. I acknowledge that exceeding the page limit and/or altering the latex template can result in desk rejection.
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