Learning Search-Space Specific Heuristics Using Neural NetworkDownload PDF


Published: 30 Sept 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023HSDIP 2020Readers: Everyone
Keywords: heuristic search, neural network
TL;DR: proposal and evaluation of a method for generating training data for a neural network based search heuristic
Abstract: We propose and evaluate a system which learns a neural-network heuristic function for forward search-based, satisficing classical planning. Our system learns distance-to-goal estimators from scratch, given a single PDDL training instance. Training data is generated by backward regression search or by backward search from given or guessed goal states. In domains such as the 24-puzzle where all instances share the same search space, such heuristics can also be reused across all instances in the domain. We show that this relatively simple system can perform surprisingly well, sometimes competitive with well-known domain-independent heuristics.
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