Succinct Explanations with Cascading Decision TreesDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Decision Trees, Explainability, Interpretability
Abstract: Classic decision tree learning is a binary classification algorithm that constructs models with first-class transparency - every classification has a directly derivable explanation. However, learning decision trees on modern datasets generates large trees, which in turn generate decision paths of excessive depth, obscuring the explanation of classifications. To improve the comprehensibility of classifications, we propose a new decision tree model that we call Cascading Decision Trees. Cascading Decision Trees shorten the size of explanations of classifications, without sacrificing model performance overall. Our key insight is to separate the notion of a decision path and an explanation path. Utilizing this insight, instead of having one monolithic decision tree, we build several smaller decision subtrees and cascade them in sequence. Our cascading decision subtrees are designed to specifically target explanations for positive classifications. This way each subtree identifies the smallest set of features that can classify as many positive samples as possible, without misclassifying any negative samples. Applying cascading decision trees to new samples results in a significantly shorter and succinct explanation, if one of the subtrees detects a positive classification. In that case, we immediately stop and report the decision path of only the current subtree to the user as an explanation for the classification. We evaluate our algorithm on standard datasets, as well as new real-world applications and find that our model shortens the explanation depth by over 40.8\% for positive classifications compared to the classic decision tree model.
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One-sentence Summary: We introduce a novel technique for providing more succinct explanations in binary decision trees.
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