Neural Pooling for Graph Neural NetworksDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: graph neural networks, graph pooling, representation learning
Abstract: Tasks such as graph classification, require graph pooling to learn graph-level representations from constituent node representations. In this work, we propose two novel methods using fully connected neural network layers for graph pooling, namely Neural Pooling Method 1 and 2. Our proposed methods have the ability to handle variable number of nodes in different graphs, and are also invariant to the isomorphic structures of graphs. In addition, compared to existing graph pooling methods, our proposed methods are able to capture information from all nodes, collect second-order statistics, and leverage the ability of neural networks to learn relationships among node representations, making them more powerful. We perform experiments on graph classification tasks in the bio-informatics and social network domains to determine the effectiveness of our proposed methods. Experimental results show that our methods lead to an absolute increase of upto 1.2% in classification accuracy over previous works and a general decrease in standard deviation across multiple runs indicating greater reliability. Experimental results also indicate that this improvement in performance is consistent across several datasets.
One-sentence Summary: A novel graph pooling method for graph neural networks, which can generate high quality graph representation.
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