Isotropy-Enhanced Conditional Masked Language Models

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Machine Translation
Keywords: Non-autoregressive, Anisotropic Problem, Neural Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing
Abstract: Non-autoregressive models have been widely used for various text generation tasks to accelerate the inference process but at the cost of generation quality to some extent. To achieve a good balance between inference speedup and generation quality, iterative NAR models like CMLM and Disco are proposed. Researchers have made much follow-up progress based on them, and some recent iterative models can achieve very promising performance while maintaining significant speedup. In this paper, we give more insights into iterative NAR models by exploring the anisotropic problem, i.e., the representations of distinct predicted target tokens are similar and indiscriminative. Upon the confirmation of the anisotropic problem in iterative NAR models, we first analyze the effectiveness of the contrastive learning method and further propose the Look Neighbors strategy to enhance the learning of token representations during training. Experiments on 4 WMT datasets show that our methods consistently improve the performance as well as alleviate the anisotropic problem of the conditional masked language model, even outperforming the current SoTA result on WMT14 EN $\rightarrow$ DE.
Submission Number: 2690