RMLWeaver-JS: An algebraic mapping engine in the KGCW Challenge 2024

19 May 2024 (modified: 22 May 2024)ESWC 2024 Workshop KGCW SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Mapping engine, mapping algebra, RML, knowledge graph construction
TL;DR: A proof of concept algebraic mapping engine which executes RML mappings
Abstract: We present the Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop (KGCW) Challenge 2024 results of our proof of concept mapping engine, RMLWeaver-JS, implemented in JavaScript and based on the reactive programming paradigm. RML documents are translated into a mapping plan consisting of algebraic mapping operators, which RMLWeaver-JS uses to execute the mapping workload. RMLWeaver-JS is evaluated for Track 2 on performance for the Knowledge Graph Construction Challenge for CSV files. The results of the challenge showed that RMLWeaver-JS has a constant memory usage across different workloads, and scales linearly regarding CPU usage and execution time. However, the results also show that the execution time of RMLWeaver-JS greatly depends on the generated mapping plan. As future works, we will focus on the optimizations of the generated mapping plan.
Submission Number: 10