Abstract: Understanding the decision-making process of black-box models has become not just a legal requirement, but also an additional way to assess their performance. However, the state of the art post-hoc explanation approaches for regression models rely on synthetic data generation, which introduces uncertainty and can hurt the reliability of the explanations. Furthermore, they tend to produce explanations that apply to only very few data points. In this paper, we present BELLA, a deterministic model-agnostic post-hoc approach for explaining the individual predictions of regression black-box models. BELLA provides explanations in the form of a linear model trained in the feature space. BELLA maximizes the size of the neighborhood to which the linear model applies so that the explanations are accurate, simple, general, and robust. BELLA can produce both factual and counterfactual explanations.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Previous TMLR Submission Url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=GTEdYVw3wE
Changes Since Last Submission: We used the wrong template. It is now fixed. We are sorry for the added work :-(
Assigned Action Editor: ~Dennis_Wei1
Submission Number: 3466