Pseudo-Asynchronous Local SGD: Robust and Efficient Data-Parallel Training

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 07 Dec 2024NeurIPS 2024 WorkshopEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: distributed deep learning, data parallel training, local sgd, optimization
TL;DR: PALSGD improves data parallel training by reducing communication with pseudo-synchronization, maintaining model consistency and boosting efficiency and generalization compared to existing methods.
Abstract: Recent trends of larger model and larger datasets require huge amounts of computational resources, making distributed deep learning essential. Data parallelism is a common approach to speed up training, but it often involves frequent communication between workers, which can be a bottleneck. In this work, we propose a method called Pseudo-Asynchronous Local SGD (PALSGD) to improve the efficiency of data-parallel training. PALSGD is a novel extension of LocalSGD (SU Stich, 2018), designed to further reduce communication frequency by introducing a pseudo-synchronization mechanism. PALSGD allows the use of longer synchronization intervals compared to standard LocalSGD. Despite the reduced communication frequency, the pseudo-synchronization approach ensures that model consistency is maintained, leading to performance results comparable to those achieved with more frequent synchronization. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical analysis of PALSGD, establishing its convergence and deriving its convergence rate. This analysis offers insights into the algorithm's behavior and performance guarantees. We evaluated PALSGD on CIFAR-10 using a CNN and GPT-NEO on TinyStories. Our results show that PALSGD achieves better performance in less time compared to existing methods like distributed data parallel (DDP), Local SGD and DiLoCo (Douillard et al. 2023).
Submission Number: 79