Sirius: Contextual Sparsity with Correction for Efficient LLM

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 19 Nov 2024AFM 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Contextual Sparsity, LLM Inference, Reasoning
TL;DR: Contextual Sparsity is robust on LLM for Summarization tasks but fail on complex reasoning tasks, we propose Sirius to drastically improve the LLM with Contextual Sparsity while maintaining Contextual Sparsity Efficiency.
Abstract: With the blossom of large language models (LLMs), inference efficiency becomes increasingly important. Various approximation methods are proposed to reduce the cost at inference time. Contextual Sparsity (CS) is appealing for its training-free nature and its ability to reach a higher compression ratio seemingly without quality degradation. However, after a comprehensive evaluation of contextual sparsity methods on various complex generation tasks, we find that although CS succeeds in prompt-understanding tasks, CS significantly degrades the model performance for reasoning, deduction, and knowledge-based tasks. Despite the gap in end-to-end accuracy, we observed that sparse models often share general problem-solving logic and require only a few token corrections to recover the original model performance. This paper introduces Sirius, an efficient correction mechanism, which significantly recovers CS models quality on reasoning tasks while maintaining its efficiency gain. Sirius is evaluated on 6 models with 8 difficult generation tasks in reasoning, math, and coding and shows consistent effectiveness and efficiency. Also, we carefully develop a system implementation for Sirius and show that Sirius achieves roughly 20% reduction in latency for 8B model on-chip and 35% reduction for 70B model offloading. We will open-source our implementation once published.
Submission Number: 152