Image Animation with Refined MaskingDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We present a novel approach for image-animation of a source image by a driving video, both depicting the same type of object. We do not assume the existence of pose models and our method is able to animate arbitrary objects without knowledge of the object's structure. Furthermore, both the driving video and the source image are only seen during test-time. Our method is based on a shared mask generator, which separates the foreground object from its background, and captures the object’s general pose and shape. A mask-refinement module then replaces, in the mask extracted from the driver image, the identity of the driver with the identity of the source. Conditioned on the source image, the transformed mask is then decoded by a multi-scale generator that renders a realistic image, in which the content of the source frame is animated by the pose in the driving video. Our method is shown to greatly outperform the state of the art methods on multiple benchmarks. Our code and samples are attached as supplementary.
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One-sentence Summary: A new image reanimation method based on a driving video. The target pose is represented by a mask from which the identity of the driving frame is removed.
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