Crowd-Calibrator: Can Annotator Disagreement Inform Calibration in Subjective Tasks?

Published: 10 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024COLMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Research Area: Evaluation, Societal implications
Keywords: calibration, human subjectivity, disagreement, hate speech detection
TL;DR: We propose Crowd-Calibrator, a soft calibration method, where we calibrate models for subjective tasks according to whether their prediction is close to what the crowd thinks.
Abstract: Subjective tasks in NLP have been mostly relegated to objective standards, where the gold label is decided by taking the majority vote. This obfuscates annotator disagreement and the inherent uncertainty of the label. We argue that subjectivity should factor into model decisions and play a direct role via calibration under a selective prediction setting. Specifically, instead of calibrating confidence purely from the model’s perspective, we calibrate models for subjective tasks based on crowd worker agreement. Our method, Crowd-Calibrator, models the distance between the distribution of crowd worker labels and the model’s own distribution over labels to inform whether the model should abstain from a decision. On two highly subjective tasks, hate speech detection and natural language inference, our experiments show Crowd-Calibrator either outperforms or achieves competitive performance with existing selective prediction baselines. Our findings highlight the value of bringing human decision-making into model predictions.
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Submission Number: 768