Robust and Decomposable Average Precision for Image RetrievalDownload PDF

Published: 09 Nov 2021, Last Modified: 25 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2021 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Image Retrieval, Deep Learning, Average Precision, Ranking, Differentiability, Decomposability
TL;DR: In this paper we address the non-differentiability and non-decomposability of the average precision loss, yielding an efficient end-to-end training of deep models for image retrieval.
Abstract: In image retrieval, standard evaluation metrics rely on score ranking, e.g. average precision (AP). In this paper, we introduce a method for robust and decomposable average precision (ROADMAP) addressing two major challenges for end-to-end training of deep neural networks with AP: non-differentiability and non-decomposability. Firstly, we propose a new differentiable approximation of the rank function, which provides an upper bound of the AP loss and ensures robust training. Secondly, we design a simple yet effective loss function to reduce the decomposability gap between the AP in the whole training set and its averaged batch approximation, for which we provide theoretical guarantees. Extensive experiments conducted on three image retrieval datasets show that ROADMAP outperforms several recent AP approximation methods and highlight the importance of our two contributions. Finally, using ROADMAP for training deep models yields very good performances, outperforming state-of-the-art results on the three datasets. Code and instructions to reproduce our results will be made publicly available at
Supplementary Material: pdf
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