MCLF: A Multi-grained Contrastive Learning Framework for ASR-robust Spoken Language Understanding

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Keywords: Spoken Language Understanding, ASR Robustness, Multi-grained Contrastive Learning, Data Augmentation
Abstract: Enhancing the robustness towards Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) errors is of great importance for Spoken Language Understanding (SLU). Trending ASR-robust SLU systems have witnessed impressive improvements through global contrastive learning. However, although most ASR errors occur only at local positions of utterances, they can easily lead to severe semantic changes, and utterance-level classification or comparison is difficult to distinguish such differences. To address the problem, we propose a two-stage multi-grained contrastive learning framework dubbed MCLF. Technically, we first adapt the pre-trained language models to downstream SLU datasets via the proposed multi-grained contrastive learning objective and then fine-tune it on the corresponding dataset. Besides, to facilitate contrastive learning in the pre-training stage, we explore several data augmentation methods to expand the training data. Experimental results and detailed analyses on four datasets and four BERT-like backbone models demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Submission Number: 1341