Pure Exploration in Asynchronous Federated Bandits

Published: 26 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024UAI 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Bandits; Federated learning; Pure exploration
TL;DR: We propose the first federated asynchronous multi-armed bandit and linear bandit algorithms for pure exploration with fixed confidence.
Abstract: We study the federated pure exploration problem of multi-armed bandits and linear bandits, where $M$ agents cooperatively identify the best arm via communicating with the central server. To enhance the robustness against latency and unavailability of agents that are common in practice, we propose the first federated asynchronous multi-armed bandit and linear bandit algorithms for pure exploration with fixed confidence. Our theoretical analysis shows the proposed algorithms achieve near-optimal sample complexities and efficient communication costs in a fully asynchronous environment. Moreover, experimental results based on synthetic and real-world data empirically elucidate the effectiveness and communication cost-efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
List Of Authors: Zichen, Wang and Chuanhao, Li and Chenyu, Song and Lianghui, Wang and Quanquan, Gu and Huazheng, Wang
Latex Source Code: zip
Signed License Agreement: pdf
Submission Number: 308