GD-COMET: A Geo-Diverse Commonsense Inference Model

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Short Paper
Submission Track: Commonsense Reasoning
Submission Track 2: Computational Social Science and Cultural Analytics
Keywords: commonsense reasoning, culture-aware NLP, geo-diverse applications
TL;DR: In this paper, we introduce GD-COMET, a geo-diverse commonsense inference model that generates culturally nuanced knowledge, enabling more inclusive and culturally aware AI systems.
Abstract: With the increasing integration of AI into everyday life, it's becoming crucial to design AI systems to serve users from diverse backgrounds by making them culturally aware. In this paper, we present GD-COMET, a geo-diverse version of the COMET commonsense inference model. GD-COMET goes beyond Western commonsense knowledge and is capable of generating inferences pertaining to a broad range of cultures. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GD-COMET through a comprehensive human evaluation across 5 diverse cultures, as well as extrinsic evaluation on a geo-diverse task. The evaluation shows that GD-COMET captures and generates culturally nuanced commonsense knowledge, demonstrating its potential to benefit NLP applications across the board and contribute to making NLP more inclusive.
Submission Number: 4269