Augmenting Small-size Tabular Data with Class-Specific Energy-Based Models

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 29 Oct 2024TRL @ NeurIPS 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: tabular data, data augmentation, synthetic data generation, energy based model
TL;DR: We propose a novel method to augment tabular data with synthetic data generated by class-specific enerygy-based models.
Abstract: Data collection is often difficult in critical fields such as medicine, physics, and chemistry, yielding typically only small tabular datasets. However, classification methods tend to struggle with these small datasets, leading to poor predictive performance. Increasing the training set with additional synthetic data, similar to data augmentation in images, is commonly believed to improve downstream tabular classification performance. However, current tabular generative methods that learn either the joint distribution $ p(\mathbf{x}, y) $ or the class-conditional distribution $ p(\mathbf{x} \mid y) $ often overfit on small datasets, usually worsening classification performance compared to using real data alone. To solve these challenges, we introduce TabEBM, a novel class-conditional generative method using Energy-Based Models (EBMs). Unlike existing tabular methods that use a shared model to approximate all class-conditional densities, our key innovation is to create distinct EBM generative models for each class, each modelling its class-specific data distribution individually. This approach creates robust energy landscapes, even in ambiguous class distributions. Our experiments show that TabEBM generates synthetic data with higher utility than existing methods. When used for data augmentation, our synthetic data consistently improves the classification performance across diverse datasets of various sizes, especially small ones. Code is available at
Submission Number: 40