Topological Schrödinger Bridge Matching

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 28 Feb 2025ICLR 2025 SpotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Schrödinger Bridge, Topological Signal Distribution Matching, Topological Stochastic Dynamics, Topological Generative Models
TL;DR: We investigate Schrödinger bridge based models for topological signal matching.
Abstract: Given two boundary distributions, the \emph{Schrödinger Bridge} (SB) problem seeks the “most likely” random evolution between them with respect to a reference process. It has revealed rich connections to recent machine learning methods for generative modeling and distribution matching. While these methods perform well in Euclidean domains, they are not directly applicable to topological domains such as graphs and simplicial complexes, which are crucial for data defined over network entities, such as node signals and edge flows. In this work, we propose the \emph{Topological Schrödinger Bridge problem} ($\mathcal{T}$SBP) for matching signal distributions on a topological domain. We set the reference process to follow some linear tractable \emph{topology-aware} stochastic dynamics such as topological heat diffusion. For the case of Gaussian boundary distributions, we derive a \emph{closed-form} topological SB ($\mathcal{T}$SB) in terms of its time-marginal and stochastic differential. In the general case, leveraging the well-known result, we show that the optimal process follows the forward-backward topological dynamics governed by some unknowns. Building on these results, we develop $\mathcal{T}$SB-based models for matching topological signals by parameterizing the unknowns in the optimal process as \emph{(topological) neural networks} and learning them through \emph{likelihood training}. We validate the theoretical results and demonstrate the practical applications of $\mathcal{T}$SB-based models on both synthetic and real-world networks, emphasizing the role of topology. Additionally, we discuss the connections of $\mathcal{T}$SB-based models to other emerging models, and outline future directions for topological signal matching.
Primary Area: generative models
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Submission Number: 9513