PhysPart: Physically Plausible Part Completion for Interactable Objects

Published: 09 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 18 Sept 2024ECCV 2024 Wild3DEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: part completion, articulated object modeling, physical plausibility, 3D generation
TL;DR: We propose PhysPart, a diffusion-based framework for physically plausible part completion through geometric conditioning and physical constraints.
Abstract: Interactable objects are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Recent advances in 3D generative models make it possible to automate the modeling of these objects, benefiting a range of applications from 3D printing to the creation of robot simulation environments. However, while significant progress has been made in modeling 3D shapes and appearances, modeling object physics, particularly for interactable objects, remains challenging due to the physical constraints imposed by inter-part motions. In this paper, we tackle the problem of physically plausible part completion for interactable objects, aiming to generate 3D parts that not only fit precisely into the object but also allow smooth part motions. To this end, we propose a diffusion-based part generation model that utilizes geometric conditioning through classifier-free guidance and formulates physical constraints as a set of stability and mobility losses to guide the sampling process. Additionally, we demonstrate the generation of dependent parts, paving the way toward sequential part generation for objects with complex part-whole hierarchies. Experimentally, we introduce a new metric for measuring physical plausibility based on motion success rates. Our model outperforms existing baselines over shape and physical metrics, especially those that do not adequately model physical constraints. We also demonstrate our applications in 3D printing, robot manipulation, and sequential part generation, showing our strength in realistic tasks with the demand for high physical plausibility.
Submission Number: 31