Geometry Aware Deep Learning for Integrated Closed-shell and Open-shell Systems

Published: 17 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 26 Jun 2024ICML 2024 Workshop GRaMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Track: Extended abstract
Keywords: Geometry Aware, Quantum Mechanics, Equivariance
Abstract: The description of potential energy surfaces (PES's), the differentiable function of a chemical system's energy with respect to its nuclear coordinates, is the underlying foundation to many computational chemistry studies. Prediction of such surfaces for open-shell systems (i.e. systems with unpaired electron spins) is essential for many of these calculations. In this work, we present a proposed extension for utilizing OrbNet-Equi framework, an equivariant deep learning architecture operating on the atomic-orbital basis, to train closed-shell and open-shell systems together, beyond the original work's limit to the training of closed-shell molecules. In a similar treatment to the original work, we use the spin-polarized treatment of GFN-xTB as input features and predict energies and forces in the delta learning approach to a higher level DFT treatment of the potential energy surface of various molecular systems.
Submission Number: 79