Unsupervised Data Generation for Offline Reinforcement Learning: A Perspective from Model

18 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Reinforcement learning, Unsupervised RL, Model-based, Offline RL
TL;DR: A new method of experience generation for offline RL, by using unsupervised RL.
Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) recently gains growing interests from RL researchers. However, the performance of offline RL suffers from the out-of-distribution problem, which can be corrected by environment feedback in online RL. Previous offline RL research focuses on restricting the offline algorithm in in-distribution even in-sample action sampling. In contrast, fewer work pays attention to the influence of the batch data. In this paper, we first build a bridge over the batch data and the performance of offline RL algorithms theoretically, from the perspective of model-based offline RL optimization. We draw a conclusion that, with mild assumptions, the distance between the state-action pair distribution generated by the behavioural policy, and the distribution generated by the optimal policy, accounts for the performance gap between the policy learned by model-based offline RL and the optimal policy. Secondly, we reveal that in task-agnostic settings, a series of policies trained by unsupervised RL can minimize the worst-case regret in the performance gap. Inspired by the theoretical conclusions, a framework named UDG (Unsupervised Data Generation) is composed to generate data and select proper data for offline training under tasks-agnostic settings. Empirical results on locomotive tasks demonstrate that UDG outperforms supervised data generation and previous unsupervised data generation in solving unknown tasks.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: reinforcement learning
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Submission Number: 1327