Keywords: Temporal planning, Infinite plans, Priced Timed Automata
Abstract: Many applications require infinite plans ---i.e. an infinite sequence of actions--- in order to carry out some given process indefinitely. In addition, it is desirable to guarantee optimality. In this paper, we address this problem in the setting of doubly-priced timed automata, where we show how to efficiently compute ratio-optimal cycles for optimal infinite plans. For efficient computation, we present symbolic $\lambda$-deduction (S-$\lambda$D), an any-time algorithm that uses a symbolic representation (priced zones) to search the state-space with a compact representation of the time constraints. Our approach guarantees termination while arriving at an optimal solution. Our experimental evaluation shows that S-$\lambda$D outperforms the alternative of searching in the concrete state space, is very robust with respect to fine-grained temporal constraints, and has a very good anytime behaviour.
Primary Keywords: Temporal Planning
Category: Long
Student: Graduate
Supplemtary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 119