RE: A Study for Restorable EmbeddingsDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: As the number of model parameters increased, large language models achieved linguistic fluency and exhibited high performance in various natural language tasks without gradient updates because the models could retain more knowledge.However, the large model size makes difficult to apply the model to a task requiring domain knowledge not included in the training corpus, due to the fact that knowledge stored in model parameters is not controllable during generation and model parameter updates are costly.To tackle the problem, we suggest separating the language model and knowledge, and divide the end-to-end language model into three parts: 1) encoding knowledge, 2) processing the encoded knowledge, and 3) restoring the processed knowledge embedding to natural language.In this paper, we propose a model for learning restorable embeddings as a first step toward the study to separate the language model and knowledge.The experimental results shows that the proposed model can restore most knowledge in 1-2 sentences by encoding knowledge in sentence-level embeddings and then restoring the embeddings back to the original sentence.We also verify that the embeddings generated through our method significantly improves performance in the passage retrieval task.
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