Keywords: OAMDP, interpretability, legibility, deception
Abstract: We present approximation algorithms for Observer-Aware Markov Decision Processes (OAMDPs). OAMDPs model sequential decision-making problems in which rewards depend on the beliefs of an observer about the goals, intentions, or capabilities of the observed agent. The first proposed algorithm is a grid-based value iteration (Grid-VI), which discretizes the observer’s belief into regular grids. Based on the same discretization, the second proposed algorithm is a variant of Real-Time Dynamic Programming (RTDP) called Grid-RTDP. Unlike Grid-Vi, Grid-RTDP focuses its updates on promising states using heuristic estimates. We
provide theoretical guarantees of the proposed algorithms and demonstrate that Grid-RTDP has a good anytime performance comparable to the existing approach without performance guarantees.
Submission Number: 4